Traditionalists (otherwise
known as Matures or the Silent Generation), those born before 1946, are
hard-working and detail-oriented. They are disciplined and like consistency and
uniformity. They are stable and loyal and, at work, they are concerned about
healthcare and retirement benefits and possibly being discriminated against
because of their age. Baby boomers, those born between 1946 and 1964, were
indulged as children and are generally optimistic; they work hard and believe
in self-improvement. They are driven but uncomfortable with conflict. At work,
they put in long hours and are concerned with competition from the coming
generation. Gen Xers, those born between 1965 and 1979, were alienated as
children and do not respond well to authority and are willing to challenge it;
they tend to be skeptical. However, they are practical in their approach to
work and are technologically savvy. Millennials (or Generation Y), those born
between 1981 and 1995, were protected as children and their parents are often
their BFFs. They are digital natives and like to collaborate, but are also
achievement-oriented. They like to multi-task and are self-assured. They like
to be autonomous, but also feel they deserve to be recognized and rewarded. They
are used to working in teams and have a can-do attitude at work.
You have no doubt read many generalizations
like the above that have been made about these four generations, and the
challenges organizations have because these four generations are working
side-by-side in the workplace today (see for example, Hawley, 2009; Taylor,
2014; and Twenge, 2006). In addition to these four generations, organizations are
already starting to hire members of Generation Z, those born after 1995. Despite
the many descriptions of these generations and their differences that are found
in the popular press, the reactions from researchers and the scientific
community have been quite mixed. In fact, it is one of the few topics in social
science research today for which there is no end of controversy and debate. The
more tempered of the researchers would say that we should exercise caution in
making these generalizations because the evidence is not yet in. On the other
hand, there is another group of researchers who have concluded that the
evidence just does not exist, and that generational differences are for the
most part artificial. They explain that it is difficult to separate the effects
of age and life stage with shared experiences (or cohort effects). Others go
further and argue that it is dangerous to even consider generational
differences because it stereotypes people of different generations.
Furthermore, such differential treatments might lead to age discrimination
lawsuits, at least in the United States.
In the media and among many
managers I have spoken to, however, these differences seem real. A few of these
managers express genuine frustration with the attitudes of some Millennials,
and there have been many articles written about them, from how they should be
treated, the kinds of work environments they prefer, their work-life balance,
and their desire for continuous feedback. Price Waterhouse Coopers has made it
a point in its recruiting to target Millennials, and to develop human resources
practices to engage and motivate them. Other managers I have interviewed shared
their concerns about Millennials managing older workers. In Silicon Valley,
there are many start-ups where Millennials are finding it challenging to manage
other Millennials.
Why the continued appeal of contrasting
workers’ attitudes and preferences from a generational perspective? There are
several explanations, and I offer the following, some of which are based on the
hypotheses that Steel and Kammeyer-Mueller (2016) have suggested. First, we
have a tendency to stereotype and make generalizations about groups of people.
It simplifies our thought process and provides us with mental short-cuts. Generational
grouping is one among many dimensions where it seems almost second-nature for
us to believe that the differences among them are indeed real. Second, we know
from evolutionary psychology that as a species we humans make spontaneous
ingroup-outgroup categorizations; even when the criteria for categorizing are
sometimes trivial (like preferences for certain paintings or even certain
colors) we affiliate ourselves with those who we feel we have something in
common (Tafjel and Turner, 1986; van Vugt and Park, 2009). Forming these
generational categorizations is not at all surprising, given that different
generations have a presumed number of experiences in common.
Third, following attribution
theory, our stereotypes are reinforced when we attribute the causes of behavior
to a generational characteristic. For example, a manager attributes the
difficulties a Baby Boomer employee may be having with a new technology being
introduced in his company because he is of that generation that does not like
technology. Fourth, our stereotypes are further reinforced because of cognitive
biases – specifically availability and representative biases. As an example of
availability bias, note that lottery organizers like to publicize their winners
so when people are thinking about buying that lottery ticket, they will
remember examples of these winners. Similarly, when we think about Millennials,
examples that come to mind are from the media or from our recent encounters
with millennial employees. With representative bias, we tend to generalize from
a Baby Boomer or two and conclude that they are representative of the entire
As mentioned earlier, the
debate about generational differences is far from settled, with the skeptics
arguing that many of these differences can be explained in part by age, life
stage, or career stage, while others argue that there are in fact generational
cohorts that we can view as belonging to different categories based on common
shared experiences (e.g., World War II for Traditionalists, the Civil Rights
movement for Baby Boomers). There are actually two sets of arguments here. The
first argues that categorizing individuals by generation ignores individual
differences. Costanza and Finkelstein (2015), for example, argue that “The key
to managing a multigenerational workforce effectively is for managers not to
make decisions about employees using their generation as a shortcut to their characteristics
and needs but rather to measure critical individual differences as well as to
track the gradual developmental and demographic changes that occur within and
among individuals over time.” (p. 317)
The second argues for not using
generation at all as a category to differentiate individuals. Here are Costanza
and Finkelstein again: “The assumption that grouping people into arbitrary
cohorts on the basis of supposedly impactful events they may have experienced
in a common way will somehow magically make them much more homogeneous on those
variables is not only unsupported by the research but also runs counter to what
we know about individual differences.” (p. 321)
However, while those proponents
of generational differences argue that individuals who have more or less experienced
what sociologists call “history-graded influences” (such as the independence of
Singapore for Singaporeans or the fall of Ferdinand Marcos in 1986 for
Filipinos) can potentially impact their developmental outcomes, this does not
suggest that everyone will be impacted in the same way. As Lyons et al. (2015)
stated: “… within-cohort variance does not disprove the existence of
generations; it is an interesting empirical feature of generations that helps
us to delineate patterns of thought and action within the generation.” (p. 351)
For example, organizational behavior researchers analyze employee data by
looking at groupings such as length of service. The assumption here is that in
general those with differing lengths of service might have different attitudes
about the organization – and in fact, they often do. This is not to deny the
existence of variation within each of the categories of length of service, but
simply to use a grouping variable to understand patterns. Similarly, market
researchers segment potential customers through such variables as age and
gender. Advertisers charge more for TV ads that are targeted for that coveted
18-49 segment. Furthermore, as Banaji
and Greenwald (2013) have pointed out, “It is not possible to be human and to
avoid making use of stereotypes.” In fact, they suggest, we have stereotypes
based on different categories, and we rarely stereotype persons on one category
alone. It is the combination of these categories that allows us to form an
impression that makes each person unique.
The reality for many managers
is that more and more of them are facing multiple generations of employees in
the workplace. Furthermore, millennials alone are expected to be 50% of the
workforce by 2020. This adds even more complexity and another dimension to the
diversity of the workforce (in addition to other dimensions such as race,
gender, and cognitive styles). My advice to managers is the following. First,
be aware of your own assumptions and biases with regard to different
generations. Increasing your self-awareness by checking with others and asking
for feedback should be part of a manager’s toolkit. Per, a Swedish Baby Boomer
manager recently hired to manage a group of very young engineers at a high-tech
start-up, initially started by giving a lot of autonomy to his team. To his
surprise, not everyone responded well, with some of them asking for more
structure and more direction than Per would have expected from these
Second, learn to adapt a
flexible style especially when communicating with different team members. While
this might go against your natural preference, fight the tendency to always
stay in your comfort zone, especially when selecting how to communicate with
others. The most successful salespeople and presenters make it a point to know
their audience and tailor their messages accordingly. Learn about and practice
different styles so you will be able to draw on these different styles as
needed. Third, make an effort to learn the wide range of social media platforms
available. Most of us know about LinkedIn and Twitter, but what about Pinterest and Yammer?
How much do you know about these tools, and how the extent to which your organization
is using them as communication tools for employees? Read about, and/or ask
colleagues and your direct reports, about how you can use some of these tools
to improve your communication.
Fourth, seek commonalities among your diverse
team members to build cohesion and a common purpose, and learn how to use these
differences to your team’s and organization’s advantage. Kathy, a marketing
manager for a consumer products company, built a highly effective team made up
of different generations of members by involving them in developing a
challenging goal for the team (in her case, to create a successful marketing
campaign in 12 months) and drawing on the different types of expertise within
the team for contributions. Another example of using generational differences
effectively is the practice of reverse mentoring, which companies such as Cisco,
MasterCard and HP have implemented successfully.
Banaji, M. and
Greenwald, A. (2013). Blindspot. New
York: Delacorte Press.
Costanza, D. and
Finkelstein, L. (2015). Generationally Based Differences in the Workplace: Is
There a There There? Industrial and Organizational Psychology,
8 (3): 308-323.
Hawley, C. (2009). Managing the Older Employee: Communicate,
Motivate, Innovate. Avon, MA: Avon Books.
Lyons, S. et al. (2015).
Generational Differences in the Workplace: There Is Complexity Beyond the
Stereotypes. Industrial and
Organizational Psychology, 8 (3): 346-356.
Steel, P. and
Kammeyer-Mueller (2015). The World Is Going to Hell, the Young No Longer
Respect Their Elders, and Other Tricks of the Mind. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 8 (3): 366-371.
Tafjel, H. and Turner,
J. (1986). The Social Identity Theory of Group Behavior. In S. Worchel and W.
Austin (Eds.), Psychology of Intergroup
Relations, pp. 7-24. Chicago: Nelson-Hall.
Taylor, P. (2014). The Next America: Boomers, Millennials, and
the Looming Generational Slowdown. New York: Public Affairs.
Twenge, J. (2006). Generation Me: Why Today’s Young Americans
Are More Confident, Assertive, Entitles – and More Miserable Than Ever Before.
New York: Free Press.
Van Vugt, M. and Park,
J. (2009). The Tribal Instinct Hypothesis: Evolution and the Social Psychology
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pp. 13-32. London: Blackwell.