Slicing the Culture Pie
her book “Overwhelmed” (on the pressures of work-life balance, among other topics),
Brigit Schulte describes her trip to Denmark and her interviews with working
couples there. Here’s what she writes
about work life in that country:
“Danes don’t live to work.
Danes work hard … but they work in a very focused way. Lunch is usually no more than half an hour … Most Danes work the standard thirty-seven
hours a week. Long hours are outlawed
for most workers under the European Union’s Working Time Directive … no
European is allowed to work more than forty-eight hours a week … Workplaces
tend to be flat, without a lot of layers of management … Most Danes don’t feel
obligated to check their smartphones and e-mail after hours … people who put in
long hours and constantly check e-mail after hours are seen not as ideal worker
warriors, as in America, but as inefficient … “
yet, Schulte points out, “The Danish
economy is one of the most competitive in the world, just a few rungs below the
United States. And it’s one of the most
productive, ranking just behind the United States … Denmark has a low
unemployment rate and one of the highest standards of living in the world. It has one of the smallest gaps between rich
and poor of any country on earth … and only 6 percent of Danes find it
difficult or very difficult to live on their current income, compared to 21
percent of Americans …”.
of us who have worked in several countries are fully aware of the differences
in workplace cultures from country to country.
And scholars from Hofstede to Trompenaars have constructed outstanding frameworks
to help us understand and explain variations in these cultures. In applying some of these frameworks over the
years, I have found them helpful to some extent. It is important to have a common vocabulary
to be able to compare different cultural values, especially those relevant to
the workplace. In personality research,
there is general agreement on a few selected taxonomies like the Big Five (McCrae
and Costa) that most mainstream psychologists use to describe people’s
don’t believe we are at a similar point with regard to describing different
workplace cultures across countries. There
has been outstanding research in this area, pioneered by Hofstede; his
dimensions have scores by which we can compare different countries. Although his methodology has been criticized,
his analysis seems to make a lot of sense to many managers and students. There has also been considerable research on
organizational cultures (Cameron and Quinn, Denison and Mishra), with a few of
these dimensions (e.g., adaptability, hierarchy) overlapping with those of
Hofstede et al.
In my
experience and interviews with managers globally over the years, I have drawn
from these past scholars, as well as the more recent work by Lane et al. to
offer a framework that is still a work in progress, but I believe is useful to
managers working globally. It can be easily remembered with the acronym FASTAIDE,
which stands for the first letters of each of the eight dimensions of workplace
culture. The idea here is that there is
a set of dimensions by which to compare different countries’ cultures as they
relate to workplace behaviors.
Formality – How formal
should I be? At the one extreme are cultures where people are very informal,
not only in terms of their interactions with one another but also in terms of
how decisions get made, their appearance and the physical environment. In the workplace, people refer to each other,
and even senior executives, by their first names. Dress is typically casual, and there are not
a lot of rituals involved in meetings and business discussions. At the other extreme are cultures that are
quite formal, from attire to the way people address each other to the way
meetings are conducted. Titles are
important, and offices are designed to reflect this. In general, countries like Australia and the
Netherlands tend to have informal cultures, while countries like France and
Russia tend to have more formal workplace cultures.
Authoritarianism – How
directive should I be? Some cultures
such as France and Mexico expect bosses to give orders and run a
command-and-control type of organization, while other cultures such as Israel expect
their bosses to be more participative, asking for input from others and valuing
a more bottom-up approach.
Structure – How much
detail should I provide; how explicit should I be? In some cultures such as Greece and Uruguay, employees
prefer to have things spelled out in order to reduce any ambiguity. For example, job descriptions are essential,
and employees have handbooks that describe the company’s procedures in
detail. In other cultures such as Sweden,
employees have a higher tolerance for ambiguity. Hofstede refers to this as uncertainty
Time Orientation – How
concerned should I be about time commitments?
Some cultures such as Switzerland and Germany are very strict on time,
whether it’s when meetings start and end, or on deadlines for projects. Hall describes this as linear or monochromic
time. Other cultures such as Central and
South American countries are more fluid and flexible about time. Promptness and following a schedule are not
as important as focusing on relationships.
So schedules are not adhered to strictly and interruptions are
welcome. Hall refers to this as flexible
or polychromic time.
Aggressive – How aggressively
should I behave? There is a lot of
evidence of differences in aggressiveness across cultures. And some would vigorously defend promoting
aggressiveness in the workplace, suggesting that doing so improves productivity
and profitability. In countries like
South Korea, it is not uncommon to have shouting matches among co-workers. There is a tendency towards pushiness, an
in-your-face mindset. In other cultures
like Canada, workers can still be competitive but will not be as
Individualism – How much
should I focus on individual needs and goals versus group needs and goals? In some cultures, such as the U.S.A. and
Australia, the emphasis is on “I” and self-reliance. These cultures value individual over group
identity, and individual rights are very important. Managers hold individuals personally
accountable. In other cultures, such as
China and some Latin American countries, the emphasis is on a larger entity,
such as the group, organization or tribe.
The good of the group often trumps the individual rights of
Directness – How
straightforward should I be? Some
cultures such as Australia and the U.S. encourage managers to get straight to
the point. In other cultures such as some
East African countries, the message is more subtle and indirect. What is
implied is more important than what is actually stated. People in these cultures place a lot of
emphasis on nonverbal communication. This
is similar to Hall’s concept of high and low context cultures.
Expressiveness – How
much should I show my emotions and be transparent? In countries like South Korea, this is well
accepted in the work place, while in countries like Russia and Hungary, you
almost have to wear a poker face, or at least not reveal what they are really
want to make three points about this framework.
First, each of these is on a continuum and while countries can be
arrayed along this continuum, it is important to consider the relative standing
of countries on each dimension rather than their absolute position. Second, like Hofstede, these dimensions tend
to be relatively independent of each other, although there may be clusters. For example, informal cultures also tend to
be non-authoritarian cultures. Third,
these are average or central tendencies.
It does not mean that everyone in that culture behaves in accordance
with these dimensions. For example, you
may meet a Chinese executive in Beijing who might be expected to behave a
certain way based on your categorization of Chinese work place culture. Yet you may discover that this Chinese
executive actually went to college in America, worked for a Swiss company in
Lucerne, and got his MBA at Insead. She would
not be expected to fit the typical profile.
K. and Quinn, T. (1999). Diagnosing
and Changing Organizational Culture.
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
D., and Mishra, A. (1995). Toward a Theory of Organizational Culture and
Effectiveness. Organization Science, 6, 2, 204-223.
G. Culture’s
Consequences (second edition).
(2001). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
H. et al. International Management Behavior (sixth edition). (2009).
United Kingdom: Wiley.
R. and Costa, P. (1987). Validation of the five-factor model of
personality across instrument and observers.
Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 52, 81-90.
B. Overwhelmed. (2014).
New York: Farrar, Straus and
H. Riding
the Waves of Culture: Understanding
Cultural Diversity. (1993). London:
Economist Books.